Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Sydney Film Festival - Film Review - Lore

Lore - Saskia Rosendahl
Australian film director, Cate Shortland directed and produced this joint Australian-German production  based on a book of fiction by Rachel Seiffert titled 'The Dark Room'. The storyline revolves around a group of German children at the conclusion of World War II who are attempting to cross the Allied occupied Germany from their home in the Black Forest (Southern Germany) to reach their Aunt's home in Hamburg (Northern Germany). Their father, an SS Officer, has been interned by the Allies and their mother has left to join him in captivity leaving their eldest daughter 'Lore' with instructions to lead the children to safety. The film is essentially a 'road movie' following the children's journey through the deserted countryside, abandoned farmhouses, an occasional corpse and rare encounters with patrolling  US soldiers. Along the way, the children are befriended and assisted by a young Jewish man, Thomas, also making his way across the country and it is the interaction between Lore and this man which is the thematic core of the film. Ostensibly  the film narrative is a coming of age story, however the film's director, Cate Shortland also saw the film as demonstrating the conflict between the children of the oppressors (with their latent racial ideology) and the oppressed (being the young Jewish man, Thomas). This film has numerous flaws which undermine its quality at various points. The most glaring is  the original premise of the film which is undermined by the plot structure itself -  the realisation by the children towards the conclusion of the film, that Thomas whom they thought was Jewish was in fact carrying identity papers which were not his own. He may not have been Jewish at all. The protagonist interaction therefore is based on a false premise and Thomas far from being offended by anti-Jewish comments, would have welcomed them as a reinforcement of his identity at a time when it gave him an advantage. He shows little sign of being perturbed by Lore's outbursts but more the children's lack of common sense in the lawless countryside.

On another level, the very possibility of children of an SS Officer being befriended by a Jewish survivor, however mutually convenient for survival, in 1945 was remote if not ludicrous. Technically the film spends inordinate periods of time with scene atmospherics - clouds, countryside, forest, hills - and Lore's face - and almost loses continuity with the emphasis on sensual cinematographic settings.  In 1945, Germany was in chaos and severely damaged from the air bombing campaigns and the ground warfare, yet little of this is apparent in the film with a few damaged buildings and a pristine countryside. With WWII dramas there is a threshold of believability which needs to be achieved and Lore does not manage to reach that measure despite its best intentions.    

Monday, 11 June 2012

Sydney Film Festival - Film Review - Once Upon a Time in Anatolia

Once Upon a Time in Anatolia from Turkish director Nuri Bilge Ceylan could be best be described as being as lost as the desolate Anatolian landscape in which it was shot. Wide panoramic landscapes, sweeping continuous takes, use of other atmospheric devices and some initial light-hearted dialogue for the principal characters, does not subsequently salvage a film which has a sparse and threadbare storyline. The film is centred on a group of men searching for the corpse of a murder victim in the Anatolian countryside. The group includes the Chief of Police, the Prosecutor, a court doctor, police officers, grave diggers and the alleged suspects being held in custody (who have ageed to lead the group to the location of the body). Almost half of the film covers the group's travels across the countryside mostly in the darkness of night. The is no doubt as to the guilt of the perpetrators so this is not a thriller or 'whodunnit' murder investigation. A mystifying element of the film is the abrupt switch from the group and its key leaders to an almost exclusive and narrow focus on the doctor alone with no indication or clues given for this change. Many minutes are spent with the doctor's brooding, contemplative face on screen without any dialogue. This creates a disjointed narrative without adding anything to the overall understanding of the story, such as it is. Perhaps more mystifying is the fact this film won the Grand Prix at Cannes.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Sydney Film Festival - Film Review - Beasts of the Southern Wild

Beasts of the Southern Wild - Hushpuppy
Beasts of the Southern Wild is not an easily classifiable film but rather carries a number of elements of storytelling, metaphor and messages. The film is set in the marshy, swamp Bayou country somewhere around Louisiana in the Southern United States within a small self-sufficient community who live defiantly away from mainstream society. The story is focussed on six-year-old Hushpuppy who lives with her father, Wink, in "The Bathtub", the swampy marshland where the community lives and which is under threat due to storms, rising water levels and the levees which protect the rest of society. Wink periodically disappears leaving Hushpuppy to fend for herself amongst the semi-domestic animals they keep. The community's children are taught in school about natural selection in evolution, global warming and the ecological shifts underway thorugh the melting of the icecaps. A massive storm comes, the icecaps melt, destructive prehistoric beasts are released and 'the Bathtub' is threatened with extinction. Wink is also terminally ill and this story about community is as much about the underlying powerful relationship between a father and his daughter. Benh Zeitlin's film is, at times, slow moving  and occasionally a bit baffling (with the appearance of prehistoric creatures) nonetheless it captures a community's fierce independence in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Sydney Film Festival - Film Review - Moonrise Kingdom

L to R - Bill Murray, Tilda Swinton,  Bruce Willis and Edward Norton
Wes Anderson's latest film offering, 'Moonrise Kingdom' opened the Cannes Film Festival this year and has a strong cast with Bruce Willis, Bill Murray, Tilda Swinton, Edward Norton and Frances McDormand. Harvey Keitel also appears in a number of scenes. The storyline is set on an island in New England in the Summer of 1965 and centres on two twelve year olds, Suzy (Kara Hayward) the daughter of two lawyers, and Sam (Jared Gilman) an oprhaned Khaki Scout who fall in love and run off together into the wilderness of the island. When their disappearance is discovered they are hotly pursued by Suzy's parents (Bill Murray and Frances McDormand), the local Sheriff (Bruce Willis), the Scout Master (Edward Norton) and the entire squad of Scout Troop 55. The film is a mixture of satire, parody, slapstick humour and sharp dialogue including somewhat introspective and unlikely statements by the teenage cast. Its a light humoured film overall but the mix of style elements, misplaced contradictory genre and bizarre situations, does not always gell and the film is more of an oddity than a completely easy-on-the mind comedy or a intuitive parody. Wes Anderson is the director, screenwriter (with Roman Coppola) and producer of the film with previous credits for The Royal Tannenbaums, Fantastic Mr Fox, and Rushmore.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Australia and international military conflict

1919 North Russia - 45th Battalion (Australian Company) Royal Fusiliers
Global strategy and intelligence consultancy, Stratfor has produced a recent brief on Australia analysing the historically large number of international military conflicts in which Austalia has been engaged - its worth noting Stratfor is a US based company but does have Australian clients including major media outlets and defence. Not all the conflicts Australia has been involved-in are mentioned (such as the Malaysian Emergency) nor is the timeframe fully encompassing as Australian's military history extends back to the Sudan in 1885 and arguably the Crimea War. Stratfor's perspective is that ideology does not explain the phenomena but rather its a question of having an ally which is a major martime power and can keep the sea lanes open to Australia. Perhaps but, in fact, Australia's involvement not only in wars but military peacekeeping operations points to a 'world view' where Australia seeks to influence global affairs and 'bat above its weight' as an international citizen. Australia still does participate in wars as a partner of a much more powerful maritime power (Great Britain and now the United States), but equally it has evolved a foreign policy to choose its own conflicts, for good or for worse. An abridged version of Stratfor's analysis follows:

Australia is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, ranked in the top 10 in gross domestic product per capita. It is one of the most isolated major countries in the world; it occupies an entire united continent, is difficult to invade and rarely is threatened. Normally, we would not expect a relatively well-off and isolated country to have been involved in many wars. This has not been the case for Australia and, more interesting, it has persistently not been the case, even under a variety of governments. Ideology does not explain the phenomenon in this instance.

Since 1900, Australia has engaged in several wars and other military or security interventions (including the Boer War, World War I, World War II and the wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq) lasting about 40 years total. Put another way, Australia has been at war for more than one-third of the time since the Commonwealth of Australia was established in 1901. In only one of these wars, World War II, was its national security directly threatened, and even then a great deal of its fighting was done in places such as Greece and North Africa rather than in direct defense of Australia. This leaves us to wonder why a country as wealthy and seemingly secure as Australia would have participated in so many conflicts.

The Australian strategy therefore involves alignment with the leading maritime power, first Britain and then the United States, and participation in their wars. We began by asking why a country as wealthy and secure as Australia would be involved in so many wars. The answer is that its wealth is not as secure as it seems. 

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Coal seam gas - a case study - Pilliga Forest, Australia

The risks and impact of coal seam gas mining can be amply demonstrated by looking at the example of the Pilliga Forest in NSW where this form of mining has been in operation for the past ten years.  On the site there have been a series of damaging incidents:
  • Major spillage of saline water leading to extensive tree deaths in the forest,
  • Clearing of vegetation without Federal environmental approval,
  • Over-flow of contaminated drill ponds into surrounding areas during rain,
  • Repeated failures to line drill ponds leading to major salt scalds on surrounding soils,
  • Leaking gas pipes and water drains leading to methane escape,
  • Poor handling of chemicals leading to spillage during a flood event.
And what is the significance of the Pilliga Forest ? The Pilliga sandstone is an important recharge area for the Greaty Artesian Basin, crucial to the quality and volume of water on which most of inland Australia relies.  In terms of hydrology, the surface water of the Pilliga form part of the Murray-Darling Basin, running north into the Namoi River and thence into the Barwon-Darling system. In addition the Forest is a key National Biodiversity hotspot with 24 nationally listed threatened or endangered species, an internationally recognised important bird area and the largest temperate woodland in Australia.The mining exploration phase also led to considerable environmental damage and degradation to this critical environmental region. It is for good reason that there has been continuing campaigning on this issue.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Rio + 20: two decades further in time

Twenty years ago, the United Nations organised the Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)  from 3 June to 14 June 1992 otherwise known as the 'Earth Summit' in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Rio Earth Summit was focussed on a number of critical global issues such as: patterns of production and the use of toxic substances; alternative sources of energy to reduce reliance and remove the use of fossil fuels; the use of public transport to reduce emissions and the increasing scarcity of water. The Summit also agreed on the Climate Change Convention (preceding the Kyoto Protocol) and opened the Convention on Biological Diversity for signatories of member states.
       In less than a month's time the UN is again bringing governments, international institutions and major groups together to seek agreement on a range of smart measures that can reduce poverty while promoting jobs, clean energy and a more sustainable and fair use of resources. The UN has initially outlined the two main themes of the Summit as: "How to build a green economy to achieve sustainable development and lift people out of poverty, including support for developing countries that will allow them to find a green path for development; and how to improve international coordination for sustainable development".

Does the direction have a familiar sound to it ? It does, for the aims of the original Earth Summit are as relevant today as twenty years ago showing that much progress continues to lag behind actual need. In terms of reality, the Conference on Sustainable Development is a Conference on Survivability.