Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Energy growth adding to CO2 emissions

The most recemnt report from the International Energy Agency (World Energy Outlook 2011), does not make for an optimistic perspective on power generation and efforts to reduce CO2. The Report points out that existing power generation infrastructure (consisting of various power plants and factories) which will be used for several decades already coverd 80% of the emissions needed to reach 2oC and the schedule of new plants which are to be constructed will make up the remaining portion to reach if not slightly exceed the 2 degrees Celcius. The efforts to ramp up renewable energy production therefore takes on a more urgent timetable for adoption enabling a further increase from the current 16% of global energy supply already provided.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Saving endangered species - do choices have to be made?

White Tiger Cub
A question which often arises with ecology and the protection of endangered species is whether it's actually possible to save all the species now at risk or rather only focus on those where there is a better than even chance of success of preservation. It is only since 2004 that the full extent of the potential level of extinctions has been quantified with the figure of 15,589 total of plants, birds and mammals (a quarter of all the existing mammal species) being ascertained at risk by major environmental and science organisations. This is an extraordinary figure and it's almost certainly impossible to determine the number of species for whom conservation and protection will succeed. Despite international agreement on the importance and value of conservation and mechanisms such as the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, the stark reality is that the very existence of human activity (loss of habitat, mining, agriculture, economic development and so on) is driving extinction despite the best efforts of governments, communities and scientists. The uncomfortable option therefore may now be one of selecting which endangered species has the best chances of survival. This is an almost unthinkable proposition for many in the environmental movement but time is not on anyones' side.