Veteran Australian film director, Fred Schepisi has returned to the screen with his latest work being a romantic drama with well established actors Juliette Binoche and Clive Owen in the two lead roles. The story is set in an elite private school and teacher Jack Marcus (Clive Owen) is faced with compound challenges - writer's block, developing alcoholism and poor work relations with his fellow teachers have led to a review of his position at the school. Into this situation comes new art teacher Dina Delsanto (Juliette Binoche) who suffering from chronic arthritis is unable to paint. The two teachers commence a rivalry and war over which is more powerful, pictures or words and the school and its students are drawn into the contest. As the competition between the two evolves, so does their romantic entanglement with the resulting complexity leaving the two damaged artists with little option but to confront their fears. This is a standard romance/protagonist plot with predictable developments and rather stereotypical characterisations and, surprisingly very average fare for director Schepisi.
In terms of characterisation, Owen's character, Jack Marcus is irritating and to a large degree creates a distraction in the plotline of the story. Binoche's Dina is brittle but more measured and is closer to the mark. Words and Pictures will ultimately fall into the recesses of Fred Schepisi's back catalogue of work.