Marine turtle caught in abandoned fishing net - Blue |
Director and screenwriter, Karina Holden has spent two years creating a high visual impact documentary on the severe threats to the oceans through climate change, overfishing, waste, pollution and misuse. The impacts are stark and confronting even if, for the most part, much of the information is already well known. Blue graphically portrays the effects through the eyes of several people: marine biologist Lucas Handley, shark activist Madison Stewart, Far North Queensland ranger
Philip Mango, seabird specialist Dr Jennifer Lavers, sustainability promoter
Tim Silverwood, Greenpeace South East Asia's Mark Dia and long-time ocean campaigner Valerie
Taylor.Each of these people brings their own narrative and explore the critical issues on location where they are engaged.
This is a high production values film best seen on the large cinema screen. Although somewhat 'preachy' and occasionally too misty and lyrical, the film captures the essential information and creates a strong and urgent call to action. At just 70 minutes duration, it's a perfect timeframe.
Plastic washed ashore - Blue |