Saturday, 18 September 2010

Ozone layer recovering following CFC reduction

Some positive news for the environment comes with confirmation from the UN Environment Program (UNEP) that the ozone level in the Earth's upper atmosphere is recovering following the removal of harmful ozone depleting substances from use in human activities.

As UNEP advises "..The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was adopted in 1987 to protect global ozone and, consequently, protect life from increased ultraviolet (UV) radiation at Earth’s surface. Chlorine- and bromine-containing substances that are controlled by the Montreal Protocol are known as ozone-depleting substances (ODSs). ODSs are responsible for the depletion of stratospheric ozone observed in polar regions (for example, the “ozone hole” above Antarctica) and in middle latitudes. The severe depletion of stratospheric ozone observed in the Antarctic has increased UV at the surface and affected climate at southern high latitudes..'.

This is a long overdue bit of good news and demonstrates the World's capacity for taking the necessary steps when a clear course of action was needed.