The Archibald portrait prize has come around again in 2013 with this year's winner being Del Kathryn Martin's painting of actor, Hugo Weaving. The work is typical of her style, merging contemporary design and style with a more traditional painting technique used in portraiture. Her style is described as vibrant, figurative imagery.
This is the second time that Del Kathryn Martin has won the prize having also been successful in 2008 with a portrait of herself and her two children. It is also the fourth time she has been chosen to be included in the exhibition. The prize is awarded
annually to the best portrait, 'preferentially of some man or woman
distinguished in art, letters, science or politics, painted by any artist
resident in Australasia’. This year the prize money is worth a cool $75,000 which is more than enough together with the prestige and promotional value to garner much interest in the arts community.