Sunday 8 February 2009

Polar Bears and the loss of ice cover

New Scientist reports (Jan 31, 2009) that the number of undernourished polar bears has tripled over the past twenty years. Polar bears only fast during the mating season during Spring and this is considered a temporary behavour. In 1985 and 1986, the proportion of bears fasting was 9.6% and 10.5% respectively however by 2005 and 2006 this had risen to 21.4% and 29.3% - triple the earlier twenty years. The amount of ice melting which reduces platforms from which bears can fish as well as provide nesting dens for seals to build for their pups is seen as the main culprit. With this aspect and a vast array of other data coming to light, its difficult to see how there can be doubters still consistently saying that global warming is not a real and genuine phenomenon.

Friday 6 February 2009

The question of motivation

While I'm sitting here trying to overcome a procrastination (rather than writer's block) my thoughts again turn to why I want to write - to tell stories? - to inspire others? - to entertain? - to inform? boredom? to influence debate and direction in the wider community? I'm really not sure as it could be one or many of the above or indeed none of the above reasons. Some writers have something to say in fiction which they know would never be read if written as an essay in non fiction. My feeling is the inspiration for myself to tell stories is to impart something more than the tale itself but to reflect on the human condition and the way in which different events are perceived.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Valentine's Day in the modern era

Each year, once again Valentine's Day comes around on 14 February. Although its history has stronger religious overtones, from Geoffrey Chaucer's time onward it has been a moment of expressing romance between lovers. However for the 20th and 21st Century, it is a time of the sound of ringing cash registers as ridiculous sums are spent on ridiculously marked up flowers, cards, chocolates, dinners and just about anything with a heart shape. The original meaning of St Valentine's Day has long been lost with the overbearing commercialisation of the day. For many without Valentines (or partners committed to the practice of sending flowers) the day can be a source of frustration and an ever present reminder of singledom.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

As the US political leadership wrangles over the stimulus package, President Obama has commented that if he doesn't fix things in three years, he will be a one term president. Its a possible but unlikely scenario at this stage.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Opinion - Economic stimulus packages

The question of economic stimulus packages is problematic in the Western economies. Will the availability of large sums of public money to bail out the private sector be enough? Indeed providing larger payments in various benefits to increase consumer spending is questionable when the underlying financial institutions are either reluctant or unable to provide the level of business lending to provide economic growth.

Also the question remains whether the banks and other financial institutions have actually learnt anything from this situation or continue to believe (behind the scenes) that their actions in lending practices and selling dubious debt instruments into the market made any commercial sense other than greed. The bonus system used for the finance sector encouraged that behaviour. In that sense the Wall Street Bull might better be portrayed as the Wall Street goat.

Sunday 1 February 2009

The World as its stands in early 2009

Summing up the current World situation is rather confronting - environmental degradation/climate change; financial markets across all major economies contracting; serious conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan; continuing instability in the Middle East; failed states in North Eastern Africa and the Pacific Rim and a plethora of related problems of similar magnitude.

The question remains whether the political leadership of major states together with the key business and economic leadership figures are able to add to make further progress with these problems this year; or whether there will continue to be considerable rhetoric but not equally matched by concerted equal action.