Friday, 14 April 2017

Wikileaks - friend or foe of the public interest ?

Recent statements from the Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency describing Wikileaks as a 'non state hostile intelligence service' should not altogether be dismissed. A cursory review of the material released on the website reveals that the vast majority of the content constitutes intelligence leaks from Western democracies with no documents sourced from Russia or from China. There is some documentation about the Church of Scientology (but very old), some from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen but not much else in terms of other nation states with totalitarian regimes. Wikileaks is therefore quite biased in terms of what it releases or what it is able to obtain. Perhaps the potential threats from China and Russia, both of whom have counter-intelligence capability in cyber warfare is enough to deter Wikileaks from disclosures about those regimes or perhap's its more of a case of not biting the hand that feeds you.

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