Festival of Dangerous Ideas at the Sydney Opera House held over the October long weekend again brought a range of interesting, if slightly askew topics to be discussed, debated and questioned by panels of recognised public commentators and advocates. One of the larger events held in the Concert Hall of the SOH was the topic of "All Women Hate Each Other" with panellists Eva Cox, Germaine Greer, Tara Moss and Danielle Miller. Although the panel were not in agreement with the premise of the topic they managed to deliver many insightful, frequently amusing observations on corporate power and culture, the structure of society, men's relationships with women, body image, feminism, Julia Gillard's size and dress sense, UK journalist Samantha Brick's story about being beautiful, women in film, and how males oppress females. Not surprising the two most experienced women on the panel, Eva Cox and Germaine Greer, made the most telling and often amusing contributions to the debate again underscoring their formidable life experience and public contribution to the wider society over many decades. Eva Cox is now 74 and Germaine Greer, 73 and their experience spans the period of the 1960s to the present day which was clearly on display at the Festival.
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