John Cusack and Elizabeth Banks - Love & Mercy |
Seminal musical and dramatic moments in the life of Brian Wilson, the key composer of the Beach Boys, are represented in this sympathetic feature film by Director Bill Pohland. Running marginally over two hours, the film juxtaposes the early 1960s period of Wilson's life (actor Paul Dano is the young Wilson) with the later 1980s period (covered by actor John Cusack) during which Wilson suffered a break-down. The film makes excellent use of the musical works of Wilson and many of the most successful hits of the Beach Boys are captured throughout demonstrating Wilson's melodic genius. The controversial period during which Wilson was a patient of psychotherapist, Dr Eugene Landy and suffered exploitation and prescribed drug controls becoming a virtual prisoner of Landy is strikingly demonstrated in the film. Paul Giamatti plays Landy with Elizabeth Banks playing Melinda, Wilson's girlfriend (and later wife) who, with the Wilson family, brought Landy's control to an end.
This is a film for fans of Wilson and his extraordinary musical talent.
This is a film for fans of Wilson and his extraordinary musical talent.